Lord Vishnu And His Powerful Weapons | Webvedic


Lord Vishnu is the incomparable supreme, supreme god. He is a bishop and a shareholder of the Hindu trinity.

In Vaishnavism, he is the Supreme Self and the God of the universe, who manifests variously as part of his imperative duty. Lord Vishnu is usually shown with light blue skin and lotus in four hands, mace (conch), conch (conch) and disc (chakra) in four hands.

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In Vishnu Sahastranama, he is called Paramatman or Parameswara and is reborn from time to time as an avatar on earth to destroy evil and deliver piety. He is also the refuge of the gods in his fight against the Asuras. He is also considered the first god, Adidev. He is beyond birth, death and time. He is beyond all.

Along with Vishnu, other major Hindu deities such as Brahma, Shiva and Shakti often engaged in wars either as avatars or in their actual form. Most of the gods are depicted with different types of weapons.



Kaumodaki is the mace or mace weapon of Lord Vishnu. Vishnu is mostly depicted holding different arms in four hands; Sudarshan Chakra, Panchajanya Shankha (conch), Kaumdika (mace) and Padma (lotus).

The Kaumodaki mace is usually represented in the god's right right hand or lower left hand.

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Vishnu is known as Shankha-Chakra-Gada-Paani because he holds these weapons in his hands. The divine mace of Vishnu is believed to be invincible and parallel. The mace is also found in various incarnations of Vishnu such as Avatar Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, and Narasimha.

Lord Krishna killed the demon monster with it.



The bow of Rama, the 7th incarnation of Vishnu, is called "Kodanda", also known as Vaishnava. He is often referred to as Kodanda Pani in Sriramdasu's 'Kirtanas' and even Annamacharya often refers to Lord Rama as 'Kodanda Pani'.

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It was also said, "Kodanada panayau yasya sa"; The person who holds the sentence in his hands is Shri Ram Chandra!


Vishnu's personal missile weapon in its Narayana (Narayana) kind, this Astra at the same time loosens powerful tiers of a lot of deadly missiles. The intensity of the shower will increase with resistance. the sole answer is that the total deposit before of the missile; solely then can it finish. Narayanastra was 1st utilized by Lord avatar within the Sanskrit literature. Then, thousands of years later, this Astra was once more utilized by Ashwatthama within the Kurukshetra war against the Pandava army.

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Parshu is the weapon of Lord Shiva, who gave it to Parashurama, the sixth avatar of Vishnu, whose name means "Rama with the axis". Parashurama, a disciple of Shiva, knew that his father had lost the evil demon.

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In his anger, Parashurama used Parashu to eliminate all the tyrannical Kshatriya castes of the earth twenty-one times. Parashurama's weapon had supernatural powers. It had four cutting edges, one at each end of the head of the blade and one at each end of the shaft. Parshu was known as the deadliest close combat weapon of the epics. It is one of the weapons of Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga and is still painted on his sculptures across India.


Nandaka is the sword of Vishnu. The Vishnu Purana states that Nandaka, the 'pure sword' represents Jnana (knowledge), created from Vidya (translated as knowledge, knowledge, science, education, scholarship and philosophy), its Sheath is avidya (ignorance or delusion). In the Varaha Puran it is described as the destroyer of ignorance.

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Magical and perfectly powerful chakra, it was circular like a disc with spinning ability and had serrated and sharp edges. The Sudarshan Chakra flies at the command of Sri Krishna while ripping the head of his opponents or spinning to do any task desired by Vishnu.

According to one version, the Sudarshan Chakra was created by Vishwakarma, the architect of the gods.

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However, according to the Shiva Purana, Vishnu was offered the Sudarshan Chakra by Shiva. When Vishnu worshiped Shiva by offering 1000 lotus flowers, Shiva hid a flower to test Vishnu, so Vishnu set one of his eyes to complete the offering. One thousand one of his eyes, in a way, also keeps track of the name Sudarshan, which literally means one vision.

The Sudarshan Chakra is most famously used by Sri Krishna, the 8th incarnation of Vishnu. It also protected the great king Ambarisha who was about to be cursed by sage Durvasa as Ambarisha was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. It is the weapon used by Krishna to kill Shishupala in Yudhishthira's Rajasuya Yajna. It was also used by Vishnu after cutting Goddess Sati into 52 pieces because she gave her life in humiliation. It is said that Shiva, in sorrow, moved his lifeless body around and they were inconsistent. The 52 parts of the goddess's body were then dumped in various parts of Bharatvarsha and became known as Shakti Peetha.


Vishnu is usually depicted with four arms, although sometimes he is also shown with eight or sixteen. In his hands, he holds shankh (conch), chakra (disc), gada (club), padma (lotus) and, sometimes, khadga (sword) and sharang. The celestial bow that Vishnu gave to the sage Rishika, who gave it to his son Jamadagni, who gave it to his son Parashurama, another avatar of Vishnu.

Credit : legendnews

Now, when Parashurama came to know that Rama broke the pinnacle bow, he confronted Rama and demanded that he break the sharang bow. Rama was successful, and later, Rama gave Varuna the sharang bow for the sea god, as described in a later chapter of Bala Kanda of the Ramayana.


Krishna's personal missile weapon, once fired it cannot be thwarted in any way, save himself from Vishnu's will. This weapon was used by King Bhagatadatta, son of Narakasura and the king of Prajogasta (modern day Burma) in the Mahabharata war against Arjuna. This Astra was stopped by Shri Krishna himself, because Arjuna could not stop it even with his most powerful weapons.

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Buddha literally means mind or its intelligence or consciousness or intelligence, which is superior to any other materialistic weapon. Without a doubt, the person who had the most and used it the most in the war of Mahabharata was Shri Krishna.

Vaishnava scripture was known only to Lord Krishna, Narakasura, Bhagadatta, Pradyumna and Parashurama during the Mahabharata era and only to Lord Rama and Indrajit in the Ramayana era.

The working senses are superior to the dull substance; The mind is higher than the senses; The intellects are still higher than the mind and that [soul] is higher than the intellect.

After which he goes to claim:

Thus in order to understand oneself as transcendental to the material senses, mind and intellect, O mighty-Arjuna, the mind must be stabilized with spiritual intelligence and thus - by spiritual power - must conquer this unquenchable enemy who is lusted. Is known as

Such is the knowledge of the powerful mind that Shri Krishna almost won the great war without taking a single weapon with one hand.


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