TRIDEV (TRIMURTI) - Bahma, Vishnu, Mahesh | webvedic

 TRIDEV (Trimurti)

Om Trideviya Namah, Trimurti is a combination of the three highest deities in Hinduism, known as Brahma - the Creator, Vishnu - the protector, and Mahesh - the destroyer.


Lord Brahma is the "creator" God in the trinity of Hinduism, also the creator of the Vedas and known as Vedanta, Swayambhu and Dnyaneshwar. Brahma is a member of the Trimurti and there are very few temples dedicated to Brahma in India, the most famous being the Brahma Temple in Pushkar.


Lord Vishnu is known as the "Preserver" within the trinity of Hinduism and is supreme in the Vaishnava religion tradition. Lord Vishnu is known as the 10 most popular avatars, which include Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Parashurama and Narasimha.


Lord Shiva is known as Mahesh in the form of Trimurti and is the "destroyer" within the Trimurti, Mahadev is the supreme being within the Shaiva religion. Shaivism is one of the four traditions in Hinduism and Lord Shiva is also one of the five similar deities in the Smart tradition.

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